Looking for a supplier who can help you get the best quality baked goods, for your customers? Look no further, you came to the right place!

We are a wholesale gourmet bakery that delivers great quality baked goods all over Sydney, for more than 4 years. We specialise in the famous Portuguese tarts (or pastéis de nata). We’ve been helping grocery shops, restaurants and coffee shops adding that special treat to their menus that always make their customers come back for more!

Our products are made from the best quality ingredients, carefully selected to achieve athenticity and taste.

You need excellence, we can provide it!

For more information about our products and services, please refer to our FAQ, to our Terms & Conditions, or contact us!

Our Exquisite Products

Divine Tastes
Portuguese Tarts

The Portuguese Tart is a delicacy originating from the traditional Portuguese conventual confectionery of the 16th century. However, it is in the 19th century that it becomes truly popular, following the Liberal Revolution and the extinction of the religious orders in Portugal, becoming a source of income for the monasteries and convents. Portugal being a country of navigators, the Portuguese tart has spread in the diaspora and today is, certainly, the most famous and international Portuguese pastry. MORE

Divine Tastes
Chorizo Bread

Originated in the north of Portugal, in a town called Marco de Canavezes and it was sold at the traditional Summer Folk Festivals, farmers markets and other events. It was traditionally called “Pão Caseiro do Marco” (Marco’s homemade bread), as a tribute to the town where it originated from. It was aimed to add a savoury option to these events, usually packed with sweets treats. Today it is loved in the whole country and it is a great option for a quick snack, breakfast or even a light lunch. MORE

Divine Tastes
Almond Tarts

Our almond tarts are Daniela’s take to the traditional bean tarts from Torres Vedras (Pastéis de Feijão de Torres Vedras). These tarts are another Portuguese delicacy with religious origins, as they were first produced in monasteries and convents in Torres Vedras. Due to prosecution, these institutions quickly started passing on these products to non-religious factories, so they wouldn’t be associated with them. Now they are simply known as Pastéis de Feijão. MORE           

Divine Tastes
Special Events

If your restaurant or club is hosting a special event, such as a party and you would like to provide them with our products freshly baked on the day, contact us, we can help!

Even if you are not a business but are hosting a party and would like to have our products freshly baked on the day. Contact us and we can arrange that for you. However, for private clients, supply is subject to quantity as we do not sell directly to the public. MORE

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